love is like a dream when
it's just me and you

She could have no lasting satisfaction in the company of a person who joined insincerity with ignorance.

Welcome to my blog. Have fun reading the walls of text.

Saturday, February 14, 2009 @ 12:10 AM
everytime we touch, i get this feeling...

First of all, some shouts to my loves:
- Fran
- Baggio/Garbage Bag/Captain French
- Sallieeee
- Pakk
- Bor
- Bennett
- Crystal
- Becca
- Nik
- Lillio

This week has been a hectic one.
Haven't updated in ages due to the lack of time.
Chinese debate, Theory Exam last week. Loads and loads of work due too.

So sorry about that. Annnnyways.
How ironic that my first free saturday in...ages (one and a half years?) is valentines day.
Going out to celebrate tomorrow afternoon, but dreading the tons of couples that I will have to endure on the streets.
Yeah great. I shall be the rebel and hang out on the streets single :P

Despite the fact that I don't actually have a...proper date, I'm still enjoying the fact that everyone is celebrating Valentines Day. Walking on the streets, looking at each couple. I don't know why, but somehow, when I look at people I find interesting, I start to speculate about their stories, what their life can really be. Of course, I only do that when I'm bored, lonely and sad (or, hey look. I have no one to observe AND I'm bored. Let's blog!). Some of my friends know how I can manage to..."filter" out people I don't particularly look out for. I sometimes don't notice a person until they wave their hands right in front of my face. It makes me seem distant sometimes, but really, I just don't notice them. But some people, they really stand out. Maybe because of their clothes, posture, attitudes....aura?
What makes a person distinct and special?

It's 12:30. I woke up at 6:30 this morning. Well. Yesterday morning.
I make no sense.
This is how my train of thought operates when I am slightly messed up due to fatigue.
Sweet dreams all.
