love is like a dream when
it's just me and you

She could have no lasting satisfaction in the company of a person who joined insincerity with ignorance.

Welcome to my blog. Have fun reading the walls of text.

Friday, June 5, 2009 @ 11:25 AM
if i could fall into the sky, do you think time would pass me by?
i miss you a little, i guess you could say a little too much, a little too often, and a little more each and every day.

So it's been ages since I last updated...but I guess we could say that I've been quite busy :P
A lot has happened lately, and I guess I can't possibly talk about them all. So where to begin?

I'm finally 16 (and yes, one year older). I didn't have the luck to anticipate my birthday since it was in the middle of exams, but I was really lucky to have 3 great friends who bothered to skip a day of revision to make me a happy idiot. Got to love Pie, Bor and Nik. Crazy crazy people, but who am I to talk? Pie bought me a pretty bag (and I found out afterwards that it was quite I felt a bit guilty about that...), and apparently Nik's buying me a pig. How exciting is that? Pigs are so cute (-totally serious face-).

Exams. Tough times for me, but I'm coping. Although for some of my exams, I didn't feel like I revised quite enough, I think I'll manage, and it's a lesson well learnt. Next time when I sit another one of these, I'm going into the exam hall well prepared weeks in advance! At least, I hope so. 2 more to go, Business Studies and Science MC, but those I think I will handle quite well. Hopefully my results won't be bad, and I'll have a reason to celebrate in August!

As school and exams draw to a close, I can just almost taste summer already; a few more days of hard work and I'll be free. Community service in Thailand awaits, as well as debate programs and SAT prep classes. And of course, more time to hang around with my peeps - barbeques, movies, hanging around in general.

loves as always.