love is like a dream when
it's just me and you

She could have no lasting satisfaction in the company of a person who joined insincerity with ignorance.

Welcome to my blog. Have fun reading the walls of text.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009 @ 11:08 PM
waist-deep in thought because when i think of you, i don't feel so alone.
"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die."

Exams are finally over!

I'm so happy that these stupid exams are over. No more stress! Hello summer! And then I find out that we have to spend a load of money on buying new textbooks, and having summer homework. But in a weird kind of way, I'm glad that I get to do work during the summer, and not let my brain rest too much and become rusty.Insane? Most definitely.

So here comes the start of my summer holidays! Tons of things to get through; Thailand TEFL Community Service Trip, Debate programs, SAT fun! And I finally don't need to wear that ugly school uniform of ours (...actually it isn't that bad, especially compared to other schools'). But after 5 years of wearing the same thing day after day, I'm really looking forwards to wearing casual to school. 2 more months and I get to feel special!

Nothing special happening lately though...apart from partying, sleepovers and stuff.
PIE COMING OVER ON FRIDAY. How fun! She hasn't been over since....years ago.
Okay. Maybe months ago.

And I totally need to catch up with movies. Angels and Demons (...can't possibly beat the book though), Star Trek (DYING to watch it) etc. Movie spree on Saturday with my bffs Pie, Bor and Niknik. Can't wait. Heard Star Trek was amazing and all. Can't believe I had to wait for so long. I was originally planning to watch it as soon as it came out, but thanks to exams, that didn't really happen.

And it's late.
I'm babbling.
Maybe another update after something exciting happens.
