love is like a dream when
it's just me and you

She could have no lasting satisfaction in the company of a person who joined insincerity with ignorance.

Welcome to my blog. Have fun reading the walls of text.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009 @ 10:57 PM
couldn't make you see it that i loved you...
Thanks to the insane amount of time we get for the summer, I'm updating my blog regularly.
I suppose I should be happy, shouldn't I?

Despite it being the greatest season for kids my age, especially with the holidays and lack of school work needed to be done, I'm getting bored out of my mind. There just isn't really much to do at home, and friends don't even live close to my place.

On the brighter side of things, I went out today for the first time in ages. I've also calculated, and in the past 7 days I've managed to:
- Visit a different country (Thailand, for my TEFL trip for community service)
- Teach children English
- Go biking
- Go tubing (rubber rings, float down a river sort of thing)
- Go shopping
- Read 6 books (How to be Good, Change of Heart, Elves of Cintra, Swimsuit, The Last Summer (of You and Me), A Spot of Bother)
- Finish a complete season of Skins (TV series)

I am completely and utterly in love with Nicholas Hoult. He is amazing in Skins. Absolutely adore his portrayal of Tony Stonem. He's an evil, calculating, manipulative jerk, but somehow, I adore his character the most. I always seem to like the evil one of them all (e.g Chuck Bass in Gossip Girl, but he really is adorable with Blair...). Managed to finish the whole of season 1, hopefully going to finish season 2 soon. This is possibly one of the only TV series where I don't have a favourite male/female character who are a couple. I adore the Sid/Cassie couple, but I believe Sid is utterly useless. Tony, on the other hand, is awesome.

And for the more realistic part of my life. Went out with Fran today, despite my Dad not leaving me any money. I now owe my bff some money. Went out for sushi - totally annoyed that the promo is off if you surpass 5 pieces of sushi...we normally have 10 each. Went around and kind of window-shopped, and walked all the way from Causeway Bay to Admiralty (there's a first!). After swearing that I will try and avoid sweet foods this summer, I then intelligently went and bought two Mrs.Fields' cookies. How intelligent was that? Very, I know.

Anyways, that's all for now. Piano lesson tomorrow morning, and gotta go pick up Mum from airport.
Long day ahead.
