love is like a dream when
it's just me and you

She could have no lasting satisfaction in the company of a person who joined insincerity with ignorance.

Welcome to my blog. Have fun reading the walls of text.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009 @ 8:24 PM
and someday you will get back everything you gave me.
Wow I've been updating quite often lately - many thanks to the lack of excitement that the summer holidays provides. Nothing really exciting happens at home, although today marks the first day of July. My mum finally got back home today from Beijing - which is awesome, because she's a lot more responsible than my Dad, who's absolutely clueless about everything.

And as usual (apart from piano lesson in the morning and picking my Mum up from the airport), I've been sitting at the computer and having a marathon of TV series.

Skins. I think I'm going to stop at Season 2 (End of first generation). To
be really honest, I think I'm really watching this for the amazing, amazing Nicholas Hoult, except my favourites are quite weird...

Favourite Guy: Tony (Nicholas Hoult)
Favourite Girl: Cassie
Favourite Couple: Jal & Chris

Gossip Girl: (What normally happens with my favourites...)
Favourite Guy: Chuck
Favourite Girl: Blair
Favourite Couple: Chuck & Blair

So favourite couple in Skins, Jal & Chris, have really got me thinking. The fact that Chris was dying from a disease, and wanted Jal to move in, and all that "take ahold of what you have before it's too late" kind of thing. I think it's very sweet, especially when Chris tells Jal that she's the only one that "gives a shit" about him, and how he's only motivated to try hard, to not mess up because of her. It truly touched me, and I think it's really sad how it seems like the sweetest couples, the less time they seem to have together. I wonder if I'd ever
meet someone like that, if he'd think of me as the reason for trying, as his reason to live. Maybe that's wishful thinking, but it's just so sweet.

Enough for my wall of text/rant.
I'm out homies.
