love is like a dream when
it's just me and you

She could have no lasting satisfaction in the company of a person who joined insincerity with ignorance.

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Tuesday, July 7, 2009 @ 6:40 PM
there's just so many faces, but no one i need to know.
Don't you ever get the feeling that life passes too fast, and you want to just snapshot each and every moment of it? Sometimes, I'd love to record my life, as a video, a movie, and so I'd be able to look back on every great moment and think to myself - yeah, I was so happy then,such awesome memories!

So yeah, recently I've been thinking - what happens when your memories start to blur, when people you call your friends start to fade in your head...when you no longer remember what those familiar faces look like after we all leave high school? And then it hit me - we only have 2 more years, and chances are that we won't ever see each other that frequently anymore (who know if we would ever meet again? I'd like to think that we will though...). How sad is that?

Anyways, for now though, I'd make use of whatever time I have to make as many memories as I can. Yesterday went out for Transformers 2 with Fran, Bor, Jaking, Chris, Pak and Nik (but he didn't watch the movie, despite his obsession with Megan Fox...). Was fun catching up with friends, and I missed quite a few of them a lot. Can't wait until Friday - probably the meeting of the summer with a complete set of friends.

But before all that, I've started to do my IB homework, and maths higher is proving to be a pain already. Managed to plough my way through synthetic division of polynomials, and I'm already dreading the long algebraic division (I think that's what the book called it...). Managed to flick through my Bio book, and the big words scare me already. Hopefully they'll become easier as I learn them properly though...

And I just got bitten by a mosquito. Some random huge bite on my leg now...I truly believe that mosquitoes should be eradicated as a species. Unless they manage to discover how mosquitoes will stop biting me.

It's quite late now, and although I won't sleep until later, sweet dreams all.
Loves as usual.