love is like a dream when
it's just me and you

She could have no lasting satisfaction in the company of a person who joined insincerity with ignorance.

Welcome to my blog. Have fun reading the walls of text.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 @ 9:58 AM
and i fly whenever you're around me.
Was too tired to blog about yesterday's activities, so here I am catching up.

So yesterday, I was hanging around with N and J (yay for letters representing names! I've been watching Gossip Girl again...). Went to N's place for lunch - t'was delicious! Watched Click while eating - I think I ate loads compared to normal, and J's consumption of food was scary...I swear he ate more than 4 plates or something. Insane person. Afterwards, we decided to walk to the uni as there were prayers going on at N's. As soon as we got out, J was like "Let's take a taxi!". To do that would mean $18, and we'd only be in the taxi for around 3 mins (it only takes 15 mins to walk), so I just stood there staring at N and J, repeating "Are you guys kidding me?" I mean - $18 can buy 6 pieces of salmon sushi at Itacho (sp? that place in Causeway). So in the end we walked. Yes, that's right. Listen to the sane person!

At HKU, J met the guy at Oliver's who looked exactly like him. It was hilarious - I couldn't stop laughing. It was so strange, looking at two of J. Well, one obviously, and another one who looks similar. J kept saying that he doesn't look like him, but he does. We got back, and I insisted on taking a picture with the two of them (since I don't have a picture with both of them - the last one was back in...year 9, and L, R and K were in the picture too...). So yeah, I was happy yesterday. J also "helped" me with my maths homework while me and N messed about on twitter and facebook. How awesome?

Also managed to get some clothes as well from Zara last night, there was this massive sale, so it was easy to persuade my mum that I needed nice clothes. There were these really cute shoes that actually were my size (40, surprise surprise!), but they were too expensive. My mum said that if it was just 100 less, she'd buy them for me, but they weren't, so too bad. Going out with P tomorrow, so hopefully I'll find something around!

But yeah, gotta get back to my maths homework (and try not to get distracted...)
So I'm out again.
