love is like a dream when
it's just me and you

She could have no lasting satisfaction in the company of a person who joined insincerity with ignorance.

Welcome to my blog. Have fun reading the walls of text.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 @ 2:14 PM
i'll never let you go if you promise to never fade away.
It's been a while since I last blogged, but I assure you, it's because of my busy timetable. Between the camp, and SAT prep lessons, I guess I haven't found enough time to update. But here I am now, neglecting long reading passages (because paraphrasing is just really really boring)

Last week I joined HKPDS, a debate camp, for a week. 6 days of hardcore debating, and it was actually not as bad as I initially imagined. It was an awesome week actually, I really enjoyed myself (to my surprise...).

20.07.2009 - "I think I know you! Were you from WIS?"
First day at HKPDS was pretty much a mix of emotions for me - mostly nerves and relief. I was always really worried that I wouldn't get along well with anyone, especially with room-mate, since the girl's dormitory was seperate from the guys, and all my friends were guys. I was completely worried about getting paired off with a local school girl (and pardon the discrimination, but I've always had a bad image of locals thanks to those in my school), and blew out a sigh of relief when I found out my room-mate, Dawn, was from GSIS and had a lot of the same values as me. I found out that a lot of people knew each other from past camps, or from the debating community (since it's actually a lot smaller than imagined). I basically knew no-one (surprise, suprise!), but I found Kimberly, who used to be a classmate of mine! Such a small world, and what a coincidence? I mean, really, what were the chances? But it was nice. We weren't that close before, but after sticking together during this camp, we really became good friends. We started our workshops, and I realised that I basically knew nothing at all, and despite the lessons being long and tiring, I actually felt that I learnt quite a lot.

21.07.2009 - "If you don't believe this, then you don't deserve to go to university."
More debates again, but luckily (for most people), we had a speech/lecture by the honourable Anson Chan. It was great for most of the people in the audience, since they all fell asleep and got a good rest. Her speech, although should be valid since she only talked about her views, had a few holes in it. "I'm only presenting facts to you" - her so called facts were that Hong Kong should have universal sufferage and one man one vote. It was interesting to listen to her talk about politics, but I must confess that I sat there thinking how I believed the opposite. Not that I enjoy having a dictator leader in a country, but in some instances (such as China), it's the best solution. At least, for now. Just sat there listening to her attack how China has lack of freedom, lack of rights etc. I remember coming out of the lecture, and Ben was talking to me.

B: "You didn't fall asleep?"
A: "Nope."
B: "Oh my god - well done! I fell asleep within the first 5 minutes, and then woke up 15 minutes later..."

Anyways. Apart from that, the day was just workshops + practice debates, which wasn't bad I guess. We were all really tired out by the end though. I had internet, so talked to Pie, Kwanko and Nik, and a few other people, whom I can't really remember since it was over a week ago. But love you guys. You guys kept me sane amongst all the insane master-debaters (lol).

22.07.2009 - "Italian food sucks in Italy!"
It amazed me how everyone talked about debate. Debate, debate and more debate. Even when the subject wasn't about what happened at this debate last year, or how someone messed up their argument a few months ago, people were generally talking in the tone of a debate. It was taunting I guess, seeing as I didn't have as much experience as most of the people I met there had. Even at the canteen, Ben and Dawn had a full scale debate and argument about whether or not Italian food in Italy sucked. It was pretty funny actually, so funny that I bothered to take a picture. Wednesday was when the debate rounds actually started, which was really tiring. By 10, when all the debates ended, we were all really tired out. Don't remember much from this day, although I think I was getting sick of all the debate talk, but I soon got accustomed to it.

23.07.2009 - "No matter how many rules you make, they'll always get around them somehow"
I guess Thursday brought a small break in our lovely debating world. Regina Ip gave a speech, and managed to wake everyone up by the constant Cantonese expressions and random "you know?" in the middle of her speech. She then, somehow, proceeded to talk about swearing, and how some people who were "dissatisfied" with the chief executive's decisions would swear and say "pok gai!". They later banned it apparently, and the people who were unhappy would use mandarin and say "bu gai" instead. Pretty epic I guess. Looks like bad words make their way into the political systems as well. Debates all day if I remember right. I think by Thursday I was really really really sick of the food there - I ended up only eating cha siu (BBQ pork) or sandwiches. That said, the sandwiches tasted horrible.

24.07.2009 - "If he is salt, then I'm his pepper..."
Friday was starting to get a bit more exciting. Last day of debates (we knew we weren't going in the finals for sure), and probably the first day that Dawn and I actually won a proper debate [THW assassinate political leaders as a foreign policy], but really, I think we were just lucky that the Opening Opp failed to mention a really important point. But we decided to hang about, and since it was nearly our last day, I took pics like mad. Public speaking was also on this day, and despite me messing up my speech, Dawn, Kimberly, Matthew and Hayden all got in the finals. Also Hwa and Paul. But that's just public speaking. Later on, we went to the "Championship Dinner", where everyone just kind of went crazy thanks to NO MORE DEBATES and needed to release some stress. Photos, talking, laughing at each other pretty much summed the whole thing up. I was so happy when I heard Tiff & Paul broke first, and Ben & Quentin managed to get into the semi-finals even though they were trying to mess up their last debate dileberately. Matthew and Kim got in too, to everyone's surprise, and later on it turned out that there were a few mistakes with the admin. But it turned out alright, and the day was fine.

25.07.2009 - "I just randomly got a free hotdog?"
Last day! Everyone was pretty sad that the week passed so quickly, and we were all miserable that we had to leave already. Although I'm sure no one would miss the food. Octi-finals, which Q&B managed to pass and get into the semis. Pretty hectic day, and we just walked around in formal wear, feeling all special. Took tons of photos on Saturday due to everyone wanting to be able to remember our trip here. I was kind of sad in a way as we were leaving already, and I really liked the people I met there, but in a way I was glad that the debating and the intense schedules were over. After lunch, public speaking finals, topic being 15 minutes with Obama, and listening to what people came up with after 15 minutes really amazed me. The speeches were really good, especially Hwa's, who didn't win because he was completely off-topic, but it was really inspirational. The finals were really good - the debate teams were amazing. Totally in awe. But the best was socialising with people and getting photos. I made some really great friends at PDS, and who knows when we'll see each other again? Maybe soon. Maybe next year?

I haven't decided if I'm going to PDS again next year or not, maybe I will. I guess I'll see. But I know for sure that if I do, it'll be great to meet you guys all again. Thanks for a great week!
Sunday, July 19, 2009 @ 10:08 AM
sometimes love comes around and it knocks you down.
Haven't updated in quite a while, and been ignoring our xPieFace blog due to lack of time and laziness. Note that around....8/10 posts are all written by F. That's how awesome I am.

On the other hand, this blog is starting to own? Somewhere I actually voice my thoughts. Funny thing is, I always think that no one comes here and reads it, but apparently they do. Maybe I should've written about less personal things, but to be honest, knowing me? I probably would've blabbed everything out to them anyhow.

So yeah, let's catch up.

Thursday 16th July - "Even the girl is unimpressed!"
Thursday was another "Girls Day" - I went out with F for the whole day (or...just afternoon thanks to her awesome sleeping habits). It was nice to have a break from all the guys, and just hang out with a girl...I think. I kept filling F in about what happened with all the guys and stuff, since she's NEVER online, and when she is, she randomly goes afk. She proceeded to laugh at my amazing love life (which is basically non-existent) and we went for sushi again, surprisingly [note: sarcasm]. Roamed around, sticker pictures, normal pictures (which..half of them failed, but there were a few nice ones...), and just window shopped. I was originally looking for shoes, but most of the shoes that I liked were practically impossible to find amongst the glittery windows of the shops in Laforet and Island Beverly. Really - It seems that finding shoes that I absolutely adore is more uncommon than finding a factor to a polynomial equation the first go during trial and error. But it was nice to hang out, especially seeing as I can't see F's lovely face again in the next week...

Friday 17th July - "Ouch - That actually hurts..."
Friday was biking, even though it was really really really hot. Thanks to the guys. Might've been a more clever idea to go yesterday morning when it was all windy and rainy. I am, now, several shades darker again. I just started getting rid of the tan from Thailand! I met up with B, N and J at IFC at 12:30 (although I got there 20 minutes early...), and we met C at TST. It was funny since when we were buying tickets, some woman appeared from nowhere and tapped me on the shoulder, blabbed things about using the actual student octopuses...scared me a bit when I was tapped. But everything was okay afterwards. We got to Tai Po Market in around an hour, and N got a tad confused and we walked around the bus terminal for a while, looking for the bus. But all was well when we did find it and get on the bus. The usual activities that happens when you have N + J happened; random calling. It was pretty hilarious to be honest, and I admire them for it. I know for sure that I would just crack up and start laughing. Biking was good, although really tiring for me because I kept trying to keep up with 4 guys. On the way back though, I couldn't be bothered...but then N waiting for me, which made me feel worse, so I had to try and bike faster? The guys are all pretty sweet though, waited for us in the middle, and so I tried to pedal faster. On the bright side, nothing cramped and strained, so all's well. We got changed in the toilets at the MTR station - funnily enough, the guys change slower than I do, and afterwards, I heard unnecessary commenting about how they touched each other? I don't want to know. Took the KCR/MTR back, and I got this horrible headache. It got better when I slapped J with my iPod case (can't remember why though), and it supposedly hurt (I don't buy that though - I wasn't trying to make it hurt). We swapped lines, said goodbye to N at Admiralty, and headed off to Sushi again at Causeway. How lucky am I? - Sushi twice in two days. Last time I see C this year, so I gave him a hug before leaving with J to the ferry pier. And don't you all agree that it's horrible when you're with someone who doesn't talk much? You always think of things to say, and the weirdest topics come out of your mouth. I think J didn't mind me doing all the talking, but really...the choice of subjects weird kind of queer (abnormal, not homosexual). I hope I didn't make a complete fool of myself, talking for 30 mins non-stop about anything that flew in my head (not that F, B and N aren't used to it!), but it was weird. The day ended at 8:00 for me, when I got on the ferry, and headed home.

I really was trying to not write a wall of text again, but I couldn't help myself. Words just randomly fly out.
So, last post for a week, unless I'm bringing my laptop for the debate program, which I still haven't decided.

I am going to miss everyone so so much, but at least this time I have a few friends to stay with. And I have my mobile, which I can text people with. Or call! Good thing I changed to 3 - FREE TEXTING. My friends have no excuse to not text me anymore (apart from J who doesn't follow the crowd). I'll meet some new peeps, and learn more techniques. Maybe I'll speak slower! Hopefully.

Need to go spam some more research on Uyghurs, death penalty and capital punishment before our debates start. So nervous! So I'll be off.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009 @ 9:58 AM
and i fly whenever you're around me.
Was too tired to blog about yesterday's activities, so here I am catching up.

So yesterday, I was hanging around with N and J (yay for letters representing names! I've been watching Gossip Girl again...). Went to N's place for lunch - t'was delicious! Watched Click while eating - I think I ate loads compared to normal, and J's consumption of food was scary...I swear he ate more than 4 plates or something. Insane person. Afterwards, we decided to walk to the uni as there were prayers going on at N's. As soon as we got out, J was like "Let's take a taxi!". To do that would mean $18, and we'd only be in the taxi for around 3 mins (it only takes 15 mins to walk), so I just stood there staring at N and J, repeating "Are you guys kidding me?" I mean - $18 can buy 6 pieces of salmon sushi at Itacho (sp? that place in Causeway). So in the end we walked. Yes, that's right. Listen to the sane person!

At HKU, J met the guy at Oliver's who looked exactly like him. It was hilarious - I couldn't stop laughing. It was so strange, looking at two of J. Well, one obviously, and another one who looks similar. J kept saying that he doesn't look like him, but he does. We got back, and I insisted on taking a picture with the two of them (since I don't have a picture with both of them - the last one was back in...year 9, and L, R and K were in the picture too...). So yeah, I was happy yesterday. J also "helped" me with my maths homework while me and N messed about on twitter and facebook. How awesome?

Also managed to get some clothes as well from Zara last night, there was this massive sale, so it was easy to persuade my mum that I needed nice clothes. There were these really cute shoes that actually were my size (40, surprise surprise!), but they were too expensive. My mum said that if it was just 100 less, she'd buy them for me, but they weren't, so too bad. Going out with P tomorrow, so hopefully I'll find something around!

But yeah, gotta get back to my maths homework (and try not to get distracted...)
So I'm out again.

Monday, July 13, 2009 @ 9:10 PM
if you ask me if i love him, i'd lie.
Not much has physically happened lately - apart from that massive barbeque party which destroyed me. I was so worn out by the end of the day...I swear I will never invite that many people again. Let's just stick with 5 or 6 people tops.

Now, on the more unfortunate and emotional side of things...I have no idea what's going on. I guess I'm just typing up all this to word vomit it all out and feel better - I pray to god this helps. So in the past 3 years, I've spent one year liking (loving? although admitting this makes me feel slightly sick...) with this dork. After falling for him, I then proceeded to realise that...he's not exactly the most compatible person with me. We argue about pretty much everything, and he frustrates and hurts me a lot. But as things go, my heart doesn't listen to my brain. After "getting over him", I then proceeded to like two guys that are similar to him, in more ways than one. And then lately, I've been all flustered again...and I don't know what I'm feeling. Do I feel these things for the guy who I know now, the guy who seems a lot more mature and sweeter than the asshole that I liked 2 years ago, or am I still nuts about the boy I fell in love with a few years back? I swear my life sounds more like a soap opera than it actually is. At least, I hope.

So yeah, I'm quite confused lately.

On a brighter side, I'm going to be less bored from next Monday onwards, except I'll be so busy. I'm really worried that I'm not going to have enough time to finish all my homework and all. SO MUCH MATHS TO DO. I'm still like....ages from finishing. Hopefully I'll be done by August 21st...

So that's all for now.
Going to pop down to the plaza for a while.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009 @ 6:40 PM
there's just so many faces, but no one i need to know.
Don't you ever get the feeling that life passes too fast, and you want to just snapshot each and every moment of it? Sometimes, I'd love to record my life, as a video, a movie, and so I'd be able to look back on every great moment and think to myself - yeah, I was so happy then,such awesome memories!

So yeah, recently I've been thinking - what happens when your memories start to blur, when people you call your friends start to fade in your head...when you no longer remember what those familiar faces look like after we all leave high school? And then it hit me - we only have 2 more years, and chances are that we won't ever see each other that frequently anymore (who know if we would ever meet again? I'd like to think that we will though...). How sad is that?

Anyways, for now though, I'd make use of whatever time I have to make as many memories as I can. Yesterday went out for Transformers 2 with Fran, Bor, Jaking, Chris, Pak and Nik (but he didn't watch the movie, despite his obsession with Megan Fox...). Was fun catching up with friends, and I missed quite a few of them a lot. Can't wait until Friday - probably the meeting of the summer with a complete set of friends.

But before all that, I've started to do my IB homework, and maths higher is proving to be a pain already. Managed to plough my way through synthetic division of polynomials, and I'm already dreading the long algebraic division (I think that's what the book called it...). Managed to flick through my Bio book, and the big words scare me already. Hopefully they'll become easier as I learn them properly though...

And I just got bitten by a mosquito. Some random huge bite on my leg now...I truly believe that mosquitoes should be eradicated as a species. Unless they manage to discover how mosquitoes will stop biting me.

It's quite late now, and although I won't sleep until later, sweet dreams all.
Loves as usual.
Thursday, July 2, 2009 @ 10:47 PM
we'll write a song that turns off the lights.
Another day has gone and passed again.
And once again, I have pretty much done nothing constructive, although managed to change my PCCW number to 3 (due to all my friends having 3...sometimes it's just cheaper following the crowd).

Yesterday was actually pretty fun; I got to hang out with my homies Pak, Bor and Nik. How awesome is that? Started by hanging out in Central first, but then we soon got bored and migrated to Causeway Bay (like usual). Ate a lot at the Mango Place and Honeymoon Dessert (where Bor announced that the chairs were "too small", and how Americans would just sit on the top since their butts won't fit in...???). Also went with Pak to shop for stuff, since he needed clothes and a tracksuit (which we painfully tried to hunt down in like...a million stores...). Puma store finally saved the day, which was good. Was an awesome day though, really missed Nik and Bor and Pak during my stay in Thailand, so it was good to see them again.

Going out again tomorrow, with Fran, Bor, Nik, Chris, Pak and Kwanko. Watching Transformers 2, then dinner. Hopefully it's good!

Anyways, for you peeps out there who are coming to my random barbeque party, here are the things that I have so DO NOT BRING THESE THINGS. Thank yous.
- Soft drinks, orange juice, fruit punch
- Marshmallows
- Chips
- Meat (you can bring some if you want, but no pork, thanks)
- Digestives (Plain Chocolate ones for smores!)

It'd be great if any of you can bring anything that would amuse 11 people. Card games are fine as long as all 11 of us can be involved.

That's pretty much it for today, and it's getting late.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009 @ 8:24 PM
and someday you will get back everything you gave me.
Wow I've been updating quite often lately - many thanks to the lack of excitement that the summer holidays provides. Nothing really exciting happens at home, although today marks the first day of July. My mum finally got back home today from Beijing - which is awesome, because she's a lot more responsible than my Dad, who's absolutely clueless about everything.

And as usual (apart from piano lesson in the morning and picking my Mum up from the airport), I've been sitting at the computer and having a marathon of TV series.

Skins. I think I'm going to stop at Season 2 (End of first generation). To
be really honest, I think I'm really watching this for the amazing, amazing Nicholas Hoult, except my favourites are quite weird...

Favourite Guy: Tony (Nicholas Hoult)
Favourite Girl: Cassie
Favourite Couple: Jal & Chris

Gossip Girl: (What normally happens with my favourites...)
Favourite Guy: Chuck
Favourite Girl: Blair
Favourite Couple: Chuck & Blair

So favourite couple in Skins, Jal & Chris, have really got me thinking. The fact that Chris was dying from a disease, and wanted Jal to move in, and all that "take ahold of what you have before it's too late" kind of thing. I think it's very sweet, especially when Chris tells Jal that she's the only one that "gives a shit" about him, and how he's only motivated to try hard, to not mess up because of her. It truly touched me, and I think it's really sad how it seems like the sweetest couples, the less time they seem to have together. I wonder if I'd ever
meet someone like that, if he'd think of me as the reason for trying, as his reason to live. Maybe that's wishful thinking, but it's just so sweet.

Enough for my wall of text/rant.
I'm out homies.
