love is like a dream when
it's just me and you

She could have no lasting satisfaction in the company of a person who joined insincerity with ignorance.

Welcome to my blog. Have fun reading the walls of text.

Sunday, January 3, 2010 @ 10:23 AM
but i got tired of waiting, wondering if you were ever coming around.
Another year has come and passed, and it's been months since I've updated my blog. Oh well. Let's try and catch up with everything!

GCSE grades were generally good (7A*s, 2As), and IB's been a pain. Been really really busy lately, with all the work and IAs, IOPs, and catching up with stuff in general. It's pathetic how little sleep I've been getting, and I've even been sleeping at 2AM occasionally. It's the first week back from 2 weeks of holiday, and I'm already tired as hell. Heck, I even stayed up until 3 one day to finish a Chem IA (which wasn't even due the next day, ironically.)

But the holidays were good. Beijing was good. Although I didn't get to spend it with friends, it felt nice (higher level English, and the best adjective I could come up with was nice) to escape all the drama and the harsh realities of life (oh dear, I'm starting to sound like Blanche now...). I mean, it was like being stuck in this little separate bubble of mine, with no connection to the normal, hectic life with my classmates. I missed a few peeps like mad, especially F, N, B, P and K, but two weeks still passed relatively fast, especially with my immense amount of sleeping haha. Read a lot of books during those two weeks too, and so it was cool.

Lately I'm preparing for my actual SATs. After getting a 800 for my Chinese SAT (which was pretty easy - I walked in with absolutely no prep at all...), I guess my expectations of myself are pretty high. Especially the fact that I get a new iPod if I manage to get over 2000 points. Ironically, I've been fiddling with my blog and writing this post when I told my mum that I'd be revising SAT material. Ohwell. It'll all work out (I hope). I'll...just focus more during the weekend! Yes, the weekend.

But it's been good to be back to the "normal" life - if anything in my life can be considered to be "normal" - and to be back with friends and back with studies is satisfying to a certain degree. Although there's been a bit too much drama for my liking lately, it's turning out to be a promising start to a promising year. The level 7 I got for my IOP didn't hurt, at all.

Reading Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen, and it really is an amazing book. When do we need to use our sense, and when do we need to be passionate and fiery and just do rather than think about the consequences? I think that is still a question that I, myself, need to answer and I definitely need to find a balance between the two. Sometimes I would blurt out the most random things out before thinking it through clearly, and I guess that's probably what makes being friends with me difficult sometimes. Oh well, not my problem. I'm not the one who has to BEAR with myself.

Oh well. Back to doing nothing constructive.
I wish he would talk to me instead of just...being online and not talking at all.
I envision myself stabbing him to little pieces now.