love is like a dream when
it's just me and you

She could have no lasting satisfaction in the company of a person who joined insincerity with ignorance.

Welcome to my blog. Have fun reading the walls of text.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 @ 2:14 PM
i'll never let you go if you promise to never fade away.
It's been a while since I last blogged, but I assure you, it's because of my busy timetable. Between the camp, and SAT prep lessons, I guess I haven't found enough time to update. But here I am now, neglecting long reading passages (because paraphrasing is just really really boring)

Last week I joined HKPDS, a debate camp, for a week. 6 days of hardcore debating, and it was actually not as bad as I initially imagined. It was an awesome week actually, I really enjoyed myself (to my surprise...).

20.07.2009 - "I think I know you! Were you from WIS?"
First day at HKPDS was pretty much a mix of emotions for me - mostly nerves and relief. I was always really worried that I wouldn't get along well with anyone, especially with room-mate, since the girl's dormitory was seperate from the guys, and all my friends were guys. I was completely worried about getting paired off with a local school girl (and pardon the discrimination, but I've always had a bad image of locals thanks to those in my school), and blew out a sigh of relief when I found out my room-mate, Dawn, was from GSIS and had a lot of the same values as me. I found out that a lot of people knew each other from past camps, or from the debating community (since it's actually a lot smaller than imagined). I basically knew no-one (surprise, suprise!), but I found Kimberly, who used to be a classmate of mine! Such a small world, and what a coincidence? I mean, really, what were the chances? But it was nice. We weren't that close before, but after sticking together during this camp, we really became good friends. We started our workshops, and I realised that I basically knew nothing at all, and despite the lessons being long and tiring, I actually felt that I learnt quite a lot.

21.07.2009 - "If you don't believe this, then you don't deserve to go to university."
More debates again, but luckily (for most people), we had a speech/lecture by the honourable Anson Chan. It was great for most of the people in the audience, since they all fell asleep and got a good rest. Her speech, although should be valid since she only talked about her views, had a few holes in it. "I'm only presenting facts to you" - her so called facts were that Hong Kong should have universal sufferage and one man one vote. It was interesting to listen to her talk about politics, but I must confess that I sat there thinking how I believed the opposite. Not that I enjoy having a dictator leader in a country, but in some instances (such as China), it's the best solution. At least, for now. Just sat there listening to her attack how China has lack of freedom, lack of rights etc. I remember coming out of the lecture, and Ben was talking to me.

B: "You didn't fall asleep?"
A: "Nope."
B: "Oh my god - well done! I fell asleep within the first 5 minutes, and then woke up 15 minutes later..."

Anyways. Apart from that, the day was just workshops + practice debates, which wasn't bad I guess. We were all really tired out by the end though. I had internet, so talked to Pie, Kwanko and Nik, and a few other people, whom I can't really remember since it was over a week ago. But love you guys. You guys kept me sane amongst all the insane master-debaters (lol).

22.07.2009 - "Italian food sucks in Italy!"
It amazed me how everyone talked about debate. Debate, debate and more debate. Even when the subject wasn't about what happened at this debate last year, or how someone messed up their argument a few months ago, people were generally talking in the tone of a debate. It was taunting I guess, seeing as I didn't have as much experience as most of the people I met there had. Even at the canteen, Ben and Dawn had a full scale debate and argument about whether or not Italian food in Italy sucked. It was pretty funny actually, so funny that I bothered to take a picture. Wednesday was when the debate rounds actually started, which was really tiring. By 10, when all the debates ended, we were all really tired out. Don't remember much from this day, although I think I was getting sick of all the debate talk, but I soon got accustomed to it.

23.07.2009 - "No matter how many rules you make, they'll always get around them somehow"
I guess Thursday brought a small break in our lovely debating world. Regina Ip gave a speech, and managed to wake everyone up by the constant Cantonese expressions and random "you know?" in the middle of her speech. She then, somehow, proceeded to talk about swearing, and how some people who were "dissatisfied" with the chief executive's decisions would swear and say "pok gai!". They later banned it apparently, and the people who were unhappy would use mandarin and say "bu gai" instead. Pretty epic I guess. Looks like bad words make their way into the political systems as well. Debates all day if I remember right. I think by Thursday I was really really really sick of the food there - I ended up only eating cha siu (BBQ pork) or sandwiches. That said, the sandwiches tasted horrible.

24.07.2009 - "If he is salt, then I'm his pepper..."
Friday was starting to get a bit more exciting. Last day of debates (we knew we weren't going in the finals for sure), and probably the first day that Dawn and I actually won a proper debate [THW assassinate political leaders as a foreign policy], but really, I think we were just lucky that the Opening Opp failed to mention a really important point. But we decided to hang about, and since it was nearly our last day, I took pics like mad. Public speaking was also on this day, and despite me messing up my speech, Dawn, Kimberly, Matthew and Hayden all got in the finals. Also Hwa and Paul. But that's just public speaking. Later on, we went to the "Championship Dinner", where everyone just kind of went crazy thanks to NO MORE DEBATES and needed to release some stress. Photos, talking, laughing at each other pretty much summed the whole thing up. I was so happy when I heard Tiff & Paul broke first, and Ben & Quentin managed to get into the semi-finals even though they were trying to mess up their last debate dileberately. Matthew and Kim got in too, to everyone's surprise, and later on it turned out that there were a few mistakes with the admin. But it turned out alright, and the day was fine.

25.07.2009 - "I just randomly got a free hotdog?"
Last day! Everyone was pretty sad that the week passed so quickly, and we were all miserable that we had to leave already. Although I'm sure no one would miss the food. Octi-finals, which Q&B managed to pass and get into the semis. Pretty hectic day, and we just walked around in formal wear, feeling all special. Took tons of photos on Saturday due to everyone wanting to be able to remember our trip here. I was kind of sad in a way as we were leaving already, and I really liked the people I met there, but in a way I was glad that the debating and the intense schedules were over. After lunch, public speaking finals, topic being 15 minutes with Obama, and listening to what people came up with after 15 minutes really amazed me. The speeches were really good, especially Hwa's, who didn't win because he was completely off-topic, but it was really inspirational. The finals were really good - the debate teams were amazing. Totally in awe. But the best was socialising with people and getting photos. I made some really great friends at PDS, and who knows when we'll see each other again? Maybe soon. Maybe next year?

I haven't decided if I'm going to PDS again next year or not, maybe I will. I guess I'll see. But I know for sure that if I do, it'll be great to meet you guys all again. Thanks for a great week!