love is like a dream when
it's just me and you

She could have no lasting satisfaction in the company of a person who joined insincerity with ignorance.

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Saturday, January 16, 2010 @ 11:12 PM
would you be surprised that you are on my mind?
I've been kinda pathetic today, moping around and not being very constructive. I'm in one of those moods again, where I tend to get all emotional and want to cry at nothing. I stayed in bed until 2 P.M (despite sleeping at a...well...kinda decent hour), and just basically felt like crap when i woke up, turned around and forced myself to sleep again. Why so miserable? It's not liking I'm going through a bad break-up or anything.Heck, I think a break-up is what's needed. Although, technically speaking, how is a break-up possible when there wasn't a relationship to start with?

I'm going nuts.

Although, in all fairness, it's post-12, and I don't have anyone to chat with apart from N at the moment. But then again, it has nothing to do with my morning mood. I'm disappointed in myself to a certain extent, especially since I know I need to get my act together.

But, I just felt really bad this morning. But it's all over now (in terms of the bad, horrible "I want to die" mood).

Did some SAT prep this afternoon - I really think I'm going to fail now. Hopefully I can somehow cram some stuff in by the end of next week and HOPEFULLY get some decent mark. Or I'll really be in a permanent bad mood for the rest of the year.

Rewatched Time Traveller's Wife again today, since Mum didn't watch it before. It made me teary at the end (god - what is wrong with me today? So emotional), and Eric Bana is love. Loved him the most in The Other Boleyn Girl, even though he was a complete jerk in that one. He was pretty awesome in Star Trek too. But yeah. Hate the Alba girl, love the younger version of Claire. Book was a thousand times better than the movie though.

And speaking of books - I've been reading Tamora Pierce today, as a break from the Austen streak I've been going on. Finished the first book from the Protector of the Small Quartet, and tomorrow I'm either back to Persuasion (Austen), or I might decide to start Jacob's Room (Virginia Woolf). I'll see, depending on my mood.

Getting haircut tomorrow, stupid fringe is getting into my eyes, especially when I wear my contacts.

Also, just before I finish off...found a new artist called Brad Doggett on YouTube. His voice is pretty good :)

I'm out.
Messed up post but whatever.
I feel better - sort of. Still feel like skinning someone.