love is like a dream when
it's just me and you

She could have no lasting satisfaction in the company of a person who joined insincerity with ignorance.

Welcome to my blog. Have fun reading the walls of text.

Saturday, January 9, 2010 @ 9:04 PM
when you and i said goodbye, i felt the angels cry.
Today was a relatively normal Saturday - slept until 12 (since I ended up sleeping rather late), and then went out to TC with my parents. Managed to replenish my stock of contact lenses, and fix my glasses. Then just walked around for a while, looking around in some shops.

Afterwards, got back home and started watching The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond, which is a movie that was released in 2008 (I think), and is a script of Tennessee Williams' which was never made into a film. I think, objectively, that it wasn't a very entertaining film, and the story was interesting, but quite choppy at times. It was obviously a Williams' piece though - the references to the mental asylum and the southern setting was almost impossible to overlook (so impossible that I somewhat started to analyse the film in a literary way...). Comparatively speaking though, I saw many parallelisms between this one and A Streetcar Named Desire, and found this one quite dull in comparison. Maybe it was the lack of Brando, maybe it was because the sheer brilliance of the insanity of Blanche couldn't quite be reflected in the character of Fisher Willow. Either way, it was an...interesting film I guess. One of the most memorable quotes (that I actually bothered to jot down while watching the movie) was: it's because you want somebody to love you that you love, and you don't know how to arrange that. And not all the teardrop diamonds lost and found can arrange that. At the ending of the film (spoiler alert for any of you out there who actually want to watch another Tennessee Williams movie after all that Streetcar we did in Term 1), the fact she asks the main male lead, James Dobyne, to settle for her just annoyed me like mad. Why should she want to marry him anyways? He went and deliberately made her life difficult at that party, ended up hooking up with some random girl who stole the diamond earrring in the first place, and then he's asked to settle for her? For me, that just doesn't make any sense. Although I immensely enjoyed the piano scene where she was going crazy and playing the piano like crazy. Parallelisms for me in real life? - to a certain extent. I know that when I'm all emotional, I like to hammer a few notes on my piano to make myself feel better.

Apart from all that, I guess today was a pretty normal, wasted day. I did nothing at all, and since I'm getting a slight headache, I highly doubt that I will be doing any work later on tonight. Although one can never stop hoping that I will finally get some sense in my head that I need to start working a lot.

Also, need to brainstorm ideas for my extended essay. I was originally considering to write it based on a mix of English and Geography - maybe something such as gender inequality as expressed in A Thousand Splendid Suns, but my Mum convinced me that it was a politically sensitive issue that might potentially cost me marks. I then thought of the idea of "Why did Jane Austen never marry?", and answer that question through analysing her views on the conventions of love and marriage from her novels. Although just an idea, but nonetheless, I think I'm pretty set on either of these two subject areas. Not really interested in writing 4000 words on anything else...

Now, back to being bored and doing nothing. I've reverted back to playing Restaurant City on Facebook since I really have nothing better to do, and I'm getting ignored on MSN, N went out for dinner and F...well she just got back from reading Wicked Lovely (which I lent her...ironically I made her ignore me). B went off to eat Sushi with Chris. And I have no more movies to watch, unless I start rewatching. Sigh.

Oh, and here's a little comic that made me smile.

Ohwell. I'm going to stop blogging now, and see if I can get rid of this stupid headache and then do something constructive. Like learning vocabulary and start using it in these posts and confuse you guys who actually bother reading my random spam of words.

But for now...