love is like a dream when
it's just me and you

She could have no lasting satisfaction in the company of a person who joined insincerity with ignorance.

Welcome to my blog. Have fun reading the walls of text.

Friday, January 8, 2010 @ 10:42 PM
how can i move on when i'm still in love with you?
I wonder how long this updating blog on a regular basis will actually keep up. It just feels good lately to spill my heart out somewhere, and typing is just somewhat faster than my stupid notebook (or diary, I guess), and my messy writing gets unbearable after a while.

So, what happened between yesterday and today?
Surprisingly, not much.

But I guess I might as well type some stuff out, since I have nothing better to do. I want to stay up for a while, because there's actually someone worth staying up for...but I don't know. Maybe when sleep overcomes me, I'll just ditch and run away. That always works.

So today. The day started off with a very fun Chemistry lesson, which took up 2 hours 10 minutes. Hurray for listening to Ms.Lee drone on and on about the beauties of the shapes of molecules, bonded pairs and lone pairs. I guess the highlight of Chem today was probably the exercise at the end where we try to show the bonds that certain compounds had. The lesson all went wrong at this point, where the guys in our class were being very mature about the shape of the balloons, and what they could make out of them (phallic anyone?). At one point, I heard that one of the guys stuck the...interesting shape in his pants, and walked into a classroom. Obviously a teacher who could handle a joke, and so he wasn't screwed for it. It amazes me when it comes to the maturity of the guys in my year though. 16 year olds - you would think that they were past the part where they still get all excited over it, but what can I say? They're guys.

Free period was good, since I didn't need to use my brain, and Geo was so-so. We got shown a picture of the UK though, and the heavy amounts of ice covering the land really reminded me of The Day After Tomorrow. The global climate change is getting quite obvious - and it amazes me how many ignorant people are still out there, proclaiming that it doesn't exist. I think added with a the data, it is a pretty obvious thing. Despite the fact that it has happened before, it doesn't change the fact that industrial progress is actually speeding the whole process up, and can potentially cause more damage than previous examples. I guess for now, when the effects aren't yet as obvious, the benefits in terms of economical and personal gain will always come before the environment. Amazing how selfish mankind can be, yet as a person who says this, I can't definitely say that I'm any better.

Maths was last, and it was generally quite dull. Our brains all exploded after 40 mins of curve sketching, and we all started to go off topic and not concentrate. After all that, we went to watch Sherlock Holmes. Although it didn't really follow my old impressions of the book, but it was entertaining to watch. Added on top of all that, I was also entertained somewhat by the fact Fran was sitting next to her Ryan (I stopped using letter references, since I read back to my old posts, and couldn't remember who I actually went out about fail.). Was a good night, but now I'm just waiting for it to be even better.

Maybe it'll get better tonight, who knows?

Waiting is always the hardest part. But I just need to do it for a little longer.