love is like a dream when
it's just me and you

She could have no lasting satisfaction in the company of a person who joined insincerity with ignorance.

Welcome to my blog. Have fun reading the walls of text.

Sunday, July 19, 2009 @ 10:08 AM
sometimes love comes around and it knocks you down.
Haven't updated in quite a while, and been ignoring our xPieFace blog due to lack of time and laziness. Note that around....8/10 posts are all written by F. That's how awesome I am.

On the other hand, this blog is starting to own? Somewhere I actually voice my thoughts. Funny thing is, I always think that no one comes here and reads it, but apparently they do. Maybe I should've written about less personal things, but to be honest, knowing me? I probably would've blabbed everything out to them anyhow.

So yeah, let's catch up.

Thursday 16th July - "Even the girl is unimpressed!"
Thursday was another "Girls Day" - I went out with F for the whole day (or...just afternoon thanks to her awesome sleeping habits). It was nice to have a break from all the guys, and just hang out with a girl...I think. I kept filling F in about what happened with all the guys and stuff, since she's NEVER online, and when she is, she randomly goes afk. She proceeded to laugh at my amazing love life (which is basically non-existent) and we went for sushi again, surprisingly [note: sarcasm]. Roamed around, sticker pictures, normal pictures (which..half of them failed, but there were a few nice ones...), and just window shopped. I was originally looking for shoes, but most of the shoes that I liked were practically impossible to find amongst the glittery windows of the shops in Laforet and Island Beverly. Really - It seems that finding shoes that I absolutely adore is more uncommon than finding a factor to a polynomial equation the first go during trial and error. But it was nice to hang out, especially seeing as I can't see F's lovely face again in the next week...

Friday 17th July - "Ouch - That actually hurts..."
Friday was biking, even though it was really really really hot. Thanks to the guys. Might've been a more clever idea to go yesterday morning when it was all windy and rainy. I am, now, several shades darker again. I just started getting rid of the tan from Thailand! I met up with B, N and J at IFC at 12:30 (although I got there 20 minutes early...), and we met C at TST. It was funny since when we were buying tickets, some woman appeared from nowhere and tapped me on the shoulder, blabbed things about using the actual student octopuses...scared me a bit when I was tapped. But everything was okay afterwards. We got to Tai Po Market in around an hour, and N got a tad confused and we walked around the bus terminal for a while, looking for the bus. But all was well when we did find it and get on the bus. The usual activities that happens when you have N + J happened; random calling. It was pretty hilarious to be honest, and I admire them for it. I know for sure that I would just crack up and start laughing. Biking was good, although really tiring for me because I kept trying to keep up with 4 guys. On the way back though, I couldn't be bothered...but then N waiting for me, which made me feel worse, so I had to try and bike faster? The guys are all pretty sweet though, waited for us in the middle, and so I tried to pedal faster. On the bright side, nothing cramped and strained, so all's well. We got changed in the toilets at the MTR station - funnily enough, the guys change slower than I do, and afterwards, I heard unnecessary commenting about how they touched each other? I don't want to know. Took the KCR/MTR back, and I got this horrible headache. It got better when I slapped J with my iPod case (can't remember why though), and it supposedly hurt (I don't buy that though - I wasn't trying to make it hurt). We swapped lines, said goodbye to N at Admiralty, and headed off to Sushi again at Causeway. How lucky am I? - Sushi twice in two days. Last time I see C this year, so I gave him a hug before leaving with J to the ferry pier. And don't you all agree that it's horrible when you're with someone who doesn't talk much? You always think of things to say, and the weirdest topics come out of your mouth. I think J didn't mind me doing all the talking, but really...the choice of subjects weird kind of queer (abnormal, not homosexual). I hope I didn't make a complete fool of myself, talking for 30 mins non-stop about anything that flew in my head (not that F, B and N aren't used to it!), but it was weird. The day ended at 8:00 for me, when I got on the ferry, and headed home.

I really was trying to not write a wall of text again, but I couldn't help myself. Words just randomly fly out.
So, last post for a week, unless I'm bringing my laptop for the debate program, which I still haven't decided.

I am going to miss everyone so so much, but at least this time I have a few friends to stay with. And I have my mobile, which I can text people with. Or call! Good thing I changed to 3 - FREE TEXTING. My friends have no excuse to not text me anymore (apart from J who doesn't follow the crowd). I'll meet some new peeps, and learn more techniques. Maybe I'll speak slower! Hopefully.

Need to go spam some more research on Uyghurs, death penalty and capital punishment before our debates start. So nervous! So I'll be off.
