love is like a dream when
it's just me and you

She could have no lasting satisfaction in the company of a person who joined insincerity with ignorance.

Welcome to my blog. Have fun reading the walls of text.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009 @ 8:43 AM
but there's room for two six feet under the stars.
Haven't updated in quite a while - here's an update to make myself less guilty for not attending to my blog, when I pretty much said that I won't let it die down.

So what's new?
Got a new laptop yesterday. So happy! It's great, but then again, everything is great compared to my crappy old one. It's all pretty, and thin, and I'm getting all obsessed by using it and not doing any work. That's hardly my fault though. I need to install the necessary programs, right?

Anyways. Now for some less materialistic stuff.
Lately I've been reading Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind. Funnily, it's impact on me is far greater than I imagined before. I've seen quite a few parallelisms between me and Scarlett, and honestly, I guess it's not flattering. The way Scarlett puts Ashley on a pedestal, and just...gets obsessed with him annoys me to pieces. But I can't stop wondering - didn't I do the very same thing before? Is it Or infatuation? Or just out of habit? So many questions, all unanswered, and the answers only lie with myself. But I can't seem to answer them just yet. Twoa thing I know for sure though:

1. If a guy like Rhett Butler comes along and sweeps me off my feet, there's no way I'd let him go. Stupid stupid Scarlett for not realising how much he means to her until it was too late.

2. Pedestal if it may be, infatuation, or even love - no longer there. "My dear, I don't give a damn". What it used to be, it's completely over and done with. Bled out, dried out. For him at least.

Pssht, who says books can't help you deal with a broken heart?

Can't wait until school starts, minus all the homework. Hopefully results from Edexcel are good. So far, 3A*s, 2As.
Aiming for an all A, or above streak. No B's pleaseee.

New start, new beginning in THREE days.

This a pretty random blog post. Not logic what-so-ever.
Pretty much reflects my mood lately. No clue what I'm doing, no plans either.
But for now, I'll manage. I should appreciate to learn in the present tense more too.

Forever and almost always,
Monday, August 3, 2009 @ 10:42 PM
being alone will make you realise when it's over, all in love is fair.
For me, these two days feel like a finality. end?
Or maybe just new beginnings.

Lately I've been drowning myself in work - work is, funnily enough, my friend. It actually helps me stop thinking about the random thoughts that bother me. To stop thinking sometimes is Ignorance is bliss.But I need to concentrate in a way - SATs, IB...etc. Really need to try and get into a good uni, and lately I've realised that I don't have much time left.

But before all that, I really should take advantage of the time I have now. It saddens me that there's people I may never meet ever again after leaving Hong Kong. I know I'll miss everyone loads, but for the time being, and live in the now.

Monday 3rd August - What a long day!
Really long day, maybe because I hung around with a lot of people. Which is good, I guess. Day started off with Jason & SAT prep. 2 and a half hours, quite boring in general. Got my SAT mock back - 1780! Which isn't bad considering that I got dragged to go sit a 4 hour exam RIGHT after coming home from debate camp. At least, that's what I'm telling myself.

Afterwards, met up with my beloved Pie and Ping. Girl stuff mainly - e.g. sticker pics! Later on went into Namco, went Taiko-ing. Which was pretty messed up since there was a dude who basically memorised all the beats and was...just insane. Ping has a really weird haircut, which....was worse than I imagined it; but it could be worse I guess. Honeymoon Dessert afterwards, since we had nothing to do, and time to kill. We ended up playing MASH, and apparently I'm going to get married to Nicholas Hoult. Look forwards to the wedding invites!

Pie and Ping then left at around 4:30ish, and it was said that I'm meeting Nik and Kwanko at 6, so I had a lot of time to kill. Walked around Page One, and then realised that there's no where to sit in Starbucks, so went down again. Found out that it was raining, and thus I went to buy an umbrella. But God had torment in mind for me, and when I got out from Watsons with an umbrella, I was greeted by no rain at all. How lovely. Ended up crossing the street and sitting in KFC writing up some notes from SAT prep class.

A while later, Kwanko came. 30 minutes early! Same with Nik. Definitely a new record. We then sat in KFC for half an hour, deciding where to eat, since Kwank said he wasn't that hungry (he had a buffet at lunch?), so we had the whole "where are we eating?", "you decide!", "I don't know..." e.t.c. Kimberly ran up the stairs, we saw each other and did the whole OH MY GOD thing, and hugged each other. I think that confused Nik and Kwank a bit. But it's okay. Hanging out with them (PDS bffs) Thursday night, which is cool. Kind of miss them. Anyways. Ended up going to Korean BBQ buffet place, which was cool. Kwank still ate tons more than me (despite his earlier remark that he wasn't hungry). Basically the night ended after we left the dinner place. Talked a lot, which was nice. Nik walked me back to the pier, and we chatted a lot about...things.

But as I said earlier, these two days feel like a finality. I'm growing up, and these...things should be going too. I figured that it's useless trying to suppress my emotions, but maybe...just will go away, especially as I've come to terms that nothing really will happen, and that I have to say goodbye. What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger, so I'm kind of glad about this end.